The total number of boxes landed during the week was 5847 from 17 vessels, of which 4285 consigned from 8 vessels. There were 1562 boxes through the market from 9 vessel.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
04/04/2023 The “Green Isle” arrived in port from Scalloway for a crew change. She sailed on the 05/04/2023.
06/04/2023 The “CEG Cosmos” arrived in port from Inverness to load timber. She sailed on the 07/04/2023.
06/04/2023 The “Glomar Supporter” arrived in port from Survey for fuel bunkers.
06/04/2023 The “Holmfoss” arrived in port from Grimsby to collect cargo. She sailed on 07/04/2023.