The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4,502 from 18 vessels, of which 3686 consigned from 13 vessels. There were 816 boxes through the market from 5 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
19/07/2019 Cargo Vessel ‘Huelin Dispatch’ arrived in Port from Sittingbourne. She is being loaded with JGC Containers, she left Port on the 20/7/2019
20/07/2019 NLB Vessel ‘Pharos’ arrived in Port to take stores plus fuel. She left Port on the 22/07/2019
21/07/2019 Oil Related Vessel ‘Caledonian Vision’ arrived in port from UKCS to collect cargo. She left Port same day.
22/07/2019 Oil Related Vessel ‘Caledonian Vigilance’ arrived in port from UKCS for Oil cargo – a quick turnaround was required and she left Port same day.
23/07/2019 ‘Normand Subsea’ arrived in Port from UKCS for crew change and collect oil related cargo.
23/07/2019 ‘Siem Pearl’ arrived in Port to drop of Subsea equipment for Rockwater pipe. She left Port same day.
23/07/2019 The ‘Svartfoss’ arrived in Port from Tyoroyri to discharge her weekly fish cargo. She left Port the same day.
24/07/2019 ‘Hermit Horizon’ arrived in Port from UKCS for crew change. She left Port the same day.
24/07/2019 ‘Northern Viking’, arrived in port from Stromness to pick up Peroxide. She left on 25/07/2019
25/07/2019 ‘Hebridean Princess’, arrived in port for a cruise ship visit.