The total number of boxes landed during the week were 8,543 from 24 vessels, of which 6,403 were consigned from 18 vessels. There were 2,140 boxes through the market from 6 vessels.
The following vessels also berthed during the week:
17/06/2017 The “Kongsborg” arrived in Port from Peterhead to pick up mud skips.
17/06/017 The “Normand Aurora” arrived in Port from the UKCS to load oil related cargo.
18/06/2017 The Tug “Boa Odin” arrived in Port from Canada to bunker fuel.
19/06/2017 The “NS Iona” arrived in Port from UKCS to load oil related cargo.
20/06/2017 The “Lomur” arrived in Port from Runavik to discharge her usual fish cargo.
21/06/2017 The “VOS Partner” arrived in Port from Aberdeen to pick up oil related cargo.
23/06/2017 The “Kongsborg” arrived in Port from UKCS to pick up oil related cargo.