The total number of boxes landed during the week was 7357 from 19 vessels, of which 6392 consigned from 14 vessels. There were 965 boxes through the market from 5 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
11/06/2021 The “NS Iona” arrived in port from Glen Lyon to load and discharge cargo.
11/06/2021 The “Vestland Artemis” arrived in port from Aberdeen to load cargo.
12/06/2021 The “Eystnes” arrive in port from Torshavn with fish cargo.
13/06/2021 The “BK Marjurie” arrived in port from Ullapool, on passage.
15/06/2021 The “Vestland Artemis” arrived in port from UKCS with oil related cargo.
15/06/2021 The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo.
16/06/2021 The “NS Iona” arrived in port from UKCS with oil related cargo.
18/06/2021 The Vestland Artemis” arrived in port from UKCS with oil related cargo