Change of Start Time for Fish Market Sales 

All fishing vessel owners, agents and skippers are advised that, with effect from Monday 4th August 2014, the Scrabster Fish Market Sale time will be 9.30 am.
All fishing vessel owners, agents and skippers are advised that, with effect from Monday 4th August 2014, the Scrabster Fish Market Sale time will be 9.30 am.
Harbour Master, Gordon Mackenzie, was recently presented with a Quaich by Trust Chairman, Tom Pottinger, in recognition of 25 years’ service with Scrabster Harbour Trust.
Scrabster Harbour Trust are delighted to announce that their port operators are now fully qualified to NVQ Level 2 in Port Operations, making it the first port in the UK to achieve this level of qualification.
Scrabster Harbour Trust (SHT) Board are pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Pottinger to succeed William Calder as Chairman of the Port Authority. William Calder stepped down from the Trust Board at the end of his tenure on 31st October 2013.
Scrabster Harbour has now taken operational possession of Phase 1 of its programme of infrastructure development. Phase 1 delivers additional harbour infrastructure with 190 metres of new berthing face with a depth of 7.5 metres at Chart Datum and a new Inner Basin 130 metres long with a depth of 4.5metres. The approach channel to […]