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New Port Chief Appointed

Jun 18 2024

Scrabster Harbour has appointed a new Trust Manager as it seeks to continue its growth and development.

Ryan Maclean, currently a Senior Operations Manager with Tesco Business Solutions, will take up post at the Caithness port in September. He will succeed Sandy Mackie who is retiring after fifteen years at the helm of the northern harbour.

Mr Maclean said “I am honoured to be appointed as the new Trust Manager of Scrabster Harbour. This port has a rich history and a vital role in the region’s economy, and I am excited to build on the impressive legacy left by Sandy Mackie. I look forward to working with the dedicated team at the harbour and the wider community to ensure we capitalise on new opportunities and continue to thrive.”.

Tom Pottinger, Chair of Scrabster Harbour Trust, commented “The Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Ryan Maclean to lead the port and continue the success Scrabster already enjoys.

Later this year the Harbour Trust will announce record results for financial year 2023-24. Indeed, we have achieved record revenues in eight of the past ten years. That success reflects the Trust’s strategy, good management and past investment in port infrastructure.

In Ryan we have secured a new leader with broad management experience and I am delighted that Scrabster gives him the opportunity to return to Caithness to further his career. I look forward to his contribution towards the challenge of maintaining our current momentum. With new major opportunities arising in areas such as offshore wind, these prospects together with our traditional strengths, improved capacity and facilities, and strategic location mean a bright future for Scrabster Harbour”.

Over £38 million has been invested in improved infrastructure and facilities at Scrabster since 2011.